• Breast
  • Breast




Korean Breast Augmentation Hospital

Korean Breast Augmentation Hospital

Breast Augmentation surgery that gives you natural texture like real breasts, even with implants! To create natural looking breasts, ID Hospital has a team of highly experienced breast surgeons to ensure satisfactory results.

Types of Breast Augmentation Surgery in Korea

Due to the breast surgery specialists collaborating together, the surgery results are guaranteed.
Post-surgery care is included to shorten the recovery time, and ensure optimum results.

How is Breast Augmentation Surgery done in Korea?

Highly experienced specialists perform breast surgeries to improve appearance and shape of the breasts
  • Step 1: Before the operation, consultation with the plastic surgeon is
    necessary to know the correct cup size and implant shape
  • Step 2 : Thorough examination with total of 50 types of tests are conducted.
  • Step 3 : The implant is selected and surgery design is done based on the
    results of the examination and consultation.
  • Step 4 : After about 1 hour, the breast surgery is complete.
  • Step 5 : After care services for faster healing process.
  • Step 6 : Return to normal routine 3 ~ 4 days after surgery.

If you cannot find the answer
you require about breast surgeries

please feel free to contact us through our online consultation and price quote options.
  • Are translation services available for foreigners?Yes, ID Hospital provides translation in your preferred language. A 1 : 1 consultation translator will take care of you during consultation, surgery, check-up, and recovery, so that you can focus on your surgery without any inconvenience.
  • Can breast surgery be done after breastfeeding (saggy breasts)?Most of the sagginess after breastfeeding is caused by sudden changes in volume, due to pregnancy and breastfeeding. In this case, the breast can be given volume using the implant to create natural beautiful breasts.
  • Which types of breast implants are used in ID hospital? We only use implants that have been approved by both the US FDA and the national KFDA. These companies are Allergan, Mentor, and Silymed, and we do not use implants unless they are FDA-approved. Depending on the surface of the implant, textured or smooth, the doctor will recommend the right implant for you based on various factors such as the individual’s height, weight, chest wall, asymmetry, amount of breast tissue, elasticity of skin etc. The surgery and incision method and are
    made after the implant selection.
  • How long is the recovery period? After 3 ~ 4 days, you can return back to your daily and work life. However, it is necessary to refrain from exercising your chest muscles or lifting heavy things until 3-4 months after surgery.

Precautions After Breast Surgery

  • [Treatment schedule/wound care]-Check the progress on the 7th day after surgery, and if there are stitches, remove them on the 14th day.
    -If there is a tape around the chest, keep it as much as possible until the next visit and get it checked. (The chest tape can be removed if it is too itchy or uncomfortable on the 3rd or 4th day. When the armpit is stimulated, apply a softcloth or gauze.)
  • [Exercise/shower]-You should absolutely refrain from excessive exercising such as (golf, gym, swimming, lifting heavy objects, etc.) or chest massage (sexual life, etc.) until 3 months after the surgery.
    – Until the next visit (about a week), wipe the area around the chest with a wet towel. Besides those areas, taking shower and washing your hair is possible.
  • [Pain]– Please take your discharge medicine well. It contains pain relievers. If the pain is severe, you can take 1 or 2 additional painkillers a day.
  • [Scar management]-Scar relief ointment can be used up to 3 to 4 weeks after surgery for a scar relief on the incision area. (Available at pharmacies without a prescription)
    -When using the upper band, you can use a soft gauze or padding to prevent irritation.
  • [Chest shape]-This may look awkward at first. It is possible to check the progress later, and most of them improve after 3 to 4months.
    -To prevent stretch marks, apply oil and moisturizer to the skin around the chest.
Eye Drop
  • [Wearing a supportive bra]-When wearing a supportive bra, wear the upper band above the chest to prevent the implant from going upward, and wear the correction bra as closely as possible in line with the bottom and the center line. (If the swelling subsides and becomes loose, you can wear it again.)
After the surgery ~1 month 1~3 months 3~6 months 6 months
Supportive bra Wear 24/7 – When sleeping: wearing is required
– When outdoors: wearing a sports bra is possible
A regular sports bra Wired-bras are wearable
Sleeping position Sleep straight Sleeping on the side is possible Facing down is possible
Exercise Walking Light cardio excersing Every exercise is possible
  • [Remedy]-If the chest suddenly swells, apply the gauze provided at the time of your discharge to the swollen area, wear the upper band, and press gently with your hand. Then, contact the hospital. (If you don’t have a gauze, use a towel.)