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ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

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Man also need a nice nose

2013-11-13 17:52

Nose is in the center of the facial features . A nose plays an very important role in terms of facial temperament . Not only a woman need a nice nose , but also a man . Then does the rhinoplasty surgery apply to a man ?

According to Kim Junsung , a famous rhinoplasty specialist in ID plastic surgery hospital , currently the rhinoplasty surgery has become widespread among men. A lot of male come to plastic surgery hospital in order to correct lopsidedness or hump nose . Usually flat nose is not that common , the main problems come from the skewnasal septum .

Regarding to those problems , we set the specific surgical methods for each . No matter male or female , the only difference comes from the overall design concept . The temperament differs among female and male .And the male’s temperament is different from females ,so the nose shape should be more highlight the masculine.

ID hospital

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