How to keep youthful skin like Koreans ?
2014-07-23 16:21

[Wstar news] 2014-07-17
The original article can be retrieved from
[Lee Seon Young reporter]
Extended exposure to ultraviolet radiation can cause skin aging. So, you should not neglect oh skin care if you don"t want to worry about skin aging in the new year. particularly, during rainy season this summer, the hot weather last continuously as it"s called "dry rainy season". So, it"s encourage to do anti-ultraviolet action. Besides, if you enjoy the cool air-conditioned breeze for long time, it can accelerate skin aging even more,
The best way to prevent skin aging is to avoid ultraviolet rays. It"s better to stay inside from 10AM to 3PM because of intense ultraviolet. Even if you stay inside, applying sun cream is highly recommended. If you should go out during that time, apply sun cream, carry a parasol and wear a hat to avoid the sun.
In addition, plenty of liquids is important to replenish moisture on skin which leads to skin aging through air-conditioned breeze. So, drink water, eat many vegetables and fruits as well as apply moisturizing cosmetics are highly recommended.
However, it"s impossible to prevent 100% of skin aging. And from single carelessness can induce skin aging rapidly. So, well-acquainted with managing aged skin is important as well.
There is the most representative lifting procedure which is "Ermes lifting" that also called "the actress lifting". It give elasticity into the skin using NIR(near infrared) wavelength range which helps to reproduce skin collagen. Commonly, people think laser precedure is painful as it remind of laser"s burning sensation. But "Ermes lifting" is a painless procedure where you will feel just warm heat sensation. So, you don"t need to have anesthesia.
ID Dermatology Director Park, Sung Cheol siad "Ermes lifting delivers low energy and spreads it over skin that it delivers it"s enrgy accurately to the targeting. and it relived the pain and the side effects comaring other laser procedures. Also, only a single preocedure can lift skin effectively.