It"s the Right Time to Have Facial Contouring Surgery in Korea
2014-07-25 15:18

[Seoul economy life] 2014.06.24
The original article can be retrieved from
Nowadays, people go on vacation from the end of June since the summer holiday peak season is from June to August. During peak season, acommodations and airline tickets are expensive and prices are overcharged. Since there isn"t a limit day for summer vacation, people enjoy their holidays through various ways. People go on vacation with family and friends, enjoy life or even have plastic surgery.
Especially, during this time, many people inquire about the facial contouring surgery and two jaw surgery which they couldn"t do because of the work. Cheekbone surgery and square jaw reduction surgery are the most represntative facial contouring surgery. Since these surgeries require a lot of time for recovery, it must be done during the vacation period.
If you have less vacation time, you can have "Mini Zygoma Reduction Plasty" or "Mini V-Line Surgery" as it takes less recovery time. "Mini Facial Bone Contouring Surgery" is also called "Quick Facial Bone Contouring Surgery" where patients can be discharged a day after surgery. And it"s economic as well.
Mini V line surgery deals with the tip of chin, only. A patient"s chin will be cut in T shape (T-osteotomy), and the middle bone will be removed and side bones will be fixed with titanium pins. The sides bone can be cut to a different extent to correct asymmetry. Also, when the gathered side bones are attached to the upper bone, it can be repositioned forward or backward - this is how Mini V line surgery corrects a receding chin or mandibular prognathism (protruding chin).
"Mini Zygoma Reduction Plasty" reduces the width of center face region. By cutting the the cheekbone and the zygomatic arch. After shifting it inward, the adjusted bone will be tightly fixed.
ID hospital board-certified plastic surgeon, Doctor Hye Young Kim says, "now you can have facial bone contouring surgery without having to take an extended vacation or time off work". "Since not everyone can have facial contouring surgery, it"s better to consult with a doctor first".