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ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

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Small face is good. Without frontal cheekbone, however, you will look old.

2014-09-25 10:33
ID Hospital, let me in, facial bone contouring sur

[Dr. Tak Ho kim, a board-certified plastic surgeon at ID Hospital]

Small face is good. Without frontal cheekbone, however, you will look old.

Compared to 3 years ago, cheekbone reduction surgery has become common. Those who want to have even smaller faces go for cheekbone reduction surgery with V-Line facial contour. If general cheekbone reduction surgery is performed without considering the condition of an individual’s zygoma, his or her face can look old, so caution is required here.

Voluminous frontal cheekbones look dimensional, vital, and young, accurate surgical plan should be made and a precise surgery should be performed as planned for cheekbone reduction surgery. If prominent cheekbones are simply reduced because pre-surgical examinations were not sufficient, the volume on the frontal cheekbone will be disappeared and the face will look flat, tired, and old.

Those whose frontal cheekbone areas are flat, “Volume Cheekbone Surgery” can be performed by transferring autologous fat or inserting an implant. The volume on the frontal cheekbone areas will be filled in and the overall facial contour will be dimensional. If an individual whose zygomatic arches are protruding out undergoes “Volume Cheekbone Surgery,” the arches will look less protruding out, relatively.

Inserting implants is preferred to transferring one’s own fat even though autologous fat grafting can provide natural volume and little complication. It’s because transferred fat may not last for a long time, depending on individuals. Inserting implants has another benefit. The implants can be customized, so they can fit on the frontal cheekbones and give more defined volumes.

Dr. Tak Ho Kim from ID Hospital states that “In order to achieve a small face, cheekbone reduction surgery is effective. If the volume on the frontal cheekbone areas is lost or nothing is done for flat frontal cheekbones, it can cause old-looking face. Through 3D-CT, one’s facial bone status should be analyzed in multifaceted, in order to figure out one’s current state of frontal cheekbone and how much more volume that the one needs.”

Dr. Kim also mentions that “In addition, the most appropriate surgical method either cheekbone reductions surgery, fat transferring, or inserting implant can be chosen and the most satisfying surgical result can be achieved through the Comprehensive Testing System for Safe Plastic Surgery of ID Hospital.”

The orginal article is published on Sep. 16th, 2014 and retrieved from http://wstarnews.hankyung.com/apps/news?popup=0&nid=03&c1=03&c2=03&c3=00&nkey=201409151337541&mode=sub_view

ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
(From facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)

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ID Hospital Korea is a very renowned plastic surgery hospital in Korea with more than 30 medical specialists. In addition to plastic surgeons, we have dentists, dermatologists, ENT doctors, Physician, and anesthetists in order to improve the result of surgeries as well as the function and aesthetic aspects of body parts on which surgeries are performed. We prioritize patient safety by recruiting the best doctors in Korea and equipping clinic’s facilities with the latest technology.