ID Hospital, 2015 Medical Korea Grand Award Selected as Distinguished Hospital for Two Jaw Surgery
2016-01-08 16:16

Co-hosted by The Korea Economic Daily, HanKyung, The Korea Economic Daily TV
ID Hospital, 2015 Medical Korea Grand Award
Selected as Distinguished Hospital for Two Jaw Surgery
: 2015 Medical Korea Grand Price “Distinguished Two Jaw Surgery Hospital”
What is “Medical Korea Grand Award”?
It was co-host by The Korea Economic Daily, HanKyung, The Korea Economic Daily TV and evaluated by the Dept. of Health and Human Services, Ministry of Food and Drug Safety and various specialists and consumer survey. Through a strict criteria certification audit evaluations, etc.; we proudly announce our largest and highest prestigious institution standards.
An award for Korea’s great contribution for the improvement in Medical Industry and advancement in Medical Services.
With customer supports and interest, we were able to receive Medical Korea Grand Award. Thank You!
As much as ID Hospital first started with ‘First specialized Facial Bone surgery clinic’ vision; with great sense of responsibility and pride, ID Hospital has constantly made efforts in reducing the burdens of patients with the safety of Orthognathic surgery.
Especially in this particular award, No Tie Two Jaw surgery has attracted the most attention; making it more meaningful as this innovative surgical technique was recognised and acknowledged. No Tie Two Jaw surgery is only implemented in ID hospital which excludes the usage of intermaxillar fixation (which is known to be inconvenient).
There is also an outstanding effect of safety precautions share in enabling ID Hospital to become an excellent hospital selection in orthognathic surgery. As much as an excellent surgery skills, optimal systems are equipped for safe surgery procedure; which allowed the specialists to offer ID Hospital to receive an excellent ratings.
ID Hospital will continue to assist with any beauty concerns one-stop as a total beauty Asian Beauty Center (ABC), continue to become a trustworthy hospital-grade medical facility with differentiated services offering medical skills fit for the global era.
With great sense of responsibility and pride, ID Hospital will be faithful to the basics and think of the patients first.
ID Philosophy 1. A no-stop continuous research for better surgery!
1995 : Start of Facial Bone Surgery
2004 : Development of Surgical Skill
2006 : Development of T Osteotomy
2007 : Development of V Line Surgery
2010 : Development of No Tie Two Jaw Surgery
2011 : Development of Virtual Measurement
2013 : Start usage of Undetectable Surgery
2014 : Development of Diamond Osteotomy
ID Philosophy 2. Prioritizing patients safety first!
** With 50 or more equipments of University Hospital level of Examination Center for comprehensive surgery examination.
** Safe fireproof structure
** In case of power outage, uninterruptible power system for safety during surgery
** Exhaustive bacterial management Sterile Air Shower
** Comprehensive facial bone analysis system and University Hospital level safety equipment
** Ready with emergency ambulance in case of emergency