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How to get a natural nose surgery that does not require a revision! natural nose, nose surgery, rhinoplasty, world nose surgery

2016-08-26 17:44
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Nose is placed in the right middle of the face, so if its shape or height is changed, the entire facial look or image can also be changed. Because of that, a lot of Koreans who have genetically flat nose or round nose tip are considering to get nose surgery for more dimensional face.

According to statistics, total of 72,562 nose surgeries were operated throughout the year of 2015 in Korea. This is 9.9% of all nose surgeries operated in the world, which is also the highest percentage in the world. As it’s showed, a great number of people are getting nose surgery, but there is a lot of people who are getting re-operation as well because of unnatural look or side effects.

Dr. IlHwan Kim, a specialist in plastic surgery, said “the nose plays a critical role in one’s first impression to others because it’s located in the middle. Therefore, it’s important to create the most natural nose line that considers facial balance for a successful nose surgery.”

Thus, if you’re planning your first nose surgery, it would be reasonable to choose ‘personalized Barbie-line rhinoplasty’ that creates a natural Barbie-line by finding the best nose ridge, nose tip and nose alar just fit for you considering the facial balance. Barbie-line rhinoplasty follows the ideal proportion according to the standardized face measurement. It closely measures the golden rate to make a balance for each person’s face. Since different implants are used for the ridge and tip of the nose taking each characteristic into account, you can have a natural nose line as if it’s your original nose.

Also, you don’t have to worry about the side effect of deformed nose line which is often seen in post-operation reviews. Barbie-line rhinoplasty fixes and holds the nose ridge again to align it with the nose tip, so the tip doesn’t get lower even after a long period of time.

Dr. IlHwan Kim advised that “even if the nose surgery looks simple, you have to set a detailed operation plan according to the medical examination so that you have a satisfactory result without side effects. For doing this, it’s good to choose a hospital that creates a line that fits the facial ratio using X-ray and 3D CT as well as a medical team that has rich experience.”

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(From facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)

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