• Real Selfie Review
  • ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

It's a place to express and meet.


2012-05-02 13:21

I"m traveling to Seoul on April 11th this year to get my cheekbones, sleepy eyes and nose done at ID Clinic by Dr. Park. He has received negative remarks as well as wonderful comments about giving truly great results.
I"ve e-mailed him several times this past few week and bombarded him with questions, hehe. He replies quickly, usually the day after sending him e-mail. He explains very throughly and doesn"t seem bothered by my millions of questions.
Anyway. He does seem professional and I have gotten the impression by his e-mails that his cheekbone reduction procedure is simple and worry-free. He says that there would be very little blood during surgery and that I don"t need to stay the day after the procedure to "get my cheeks drained for blood".
I"m doing this surgery without my parents, sister and boyfriend knowing...! They don"t even know that I"m bothered by my wide cheekbones. I inherited the cheekbones by my mom (thanks mom!!), making my face look wide, a bit flat and chunky. My dad on the other hand has a narrow face without any prominent cheekbones or jaw which my sister inherited.
I"m doing the surgery to sharpen my features and I"m NOT aiming for the caucasian look. I have a so-called baby face and I"m in a job position where people don"t take me seriously because of my young look.

It would be a bit tricky to go through the surgery process without anyone knowing. But I"ve figured everything out.

Cheers from Europe