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  • ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

It's a place to express and meet.

Julie Botox injection

2012-06-28 09:27
There seems to be a point when the face or body in the mirror feels out of sync with inner feelings or desires. Julie remembers experiencing those exact emotions. “I’m realistic. I wasn’t wanting to look 20 years younger, but I knew that my face wasn’t representing the real me.”
Like many patients, several years after her first laser procedure, Julie decided that tightening the skin on her face would enhance her appearance. Julie consulted with ID hospital in South Korea.
ID doctor listened to Julie’s desires and gave her a realistic picture of how he could perform a facelift to address the loose skin.
Julie had seen other cosmetic surgeons in Seoul so she truly could feel the difference with the physicians and staffs at ID hospital. “The physicians are so professional and caring, and the employees are incredible.” Julie recalls being a “nervous wreck” as her surgery approached, “Not only did she take the time to answer every question, no matter how small it may seem, she did it all with genuine compassion.”
Julie loves her results and now says she finds herself visiting ID hospital for Botox to maintain her youthful appearance. “I had these procedures just for me. Yet it is always so nice when someone comments on how rested you look or how your face has that special glow. I love it!”
Thanks ID doctors and staffs