It’s my pleasure to do my surgery at ID
2012-07-25 10:29
I had a full facelift at ID hospital 8 weeks ago.I was at a stage in my life where I"d been through a lot of trauma and a lot of heartache. In the past three years, a person very close to me had passed away and I had survived a scare with breast cancer and serious breast surgery. Stress takes its toll on you physically and can show on my face. I was finding that the difference between what I thought I looked like and what I really looked like was incongruous. I would look in the mirror and would be surprised. I would think: "That"s not the person that I think should be looking back at me." I was getting uncomfortable with that lack of a match between what I thought I looked like and what I really looked like. The other motivation — and it"s kind of funny — was that people were starting to treat me like a cute little old lady, and I really hated it! People would do something and I would think, "That"s exactly how people would treat my mother!" I didn"t want that. I want to look like a woman who"s aging gracefully. The facelift was something that I wanted to do for myself. I did it for self-care. I think it"s important for self-esteem, confidence, and personal comfort level to do things to take care of yourself.
When I was considering the possibility of getting a facelift, I started to do a great deal of research and talked to a number of people, including plastic surgeons. I have an acquaintance on web consultation who is a plastic surgeon, and he told me what I should be looking for in a plastic surgeon, which was vital information. I started keeping my eyes and ears open. Then I heard Korean ID hospital Dr. Sanghoon Park"s ad on the radio about one of his upcoming information seminars on plastic surgery, and I thought that this was a chance to assess him without getting too committed. At the seminar, I was really impressed with the fact that Dr. Park seemed to care as much about the medical side of the procedure as the cosmetic side. He talked a lot about the safety issues and addressed all the things that I was concerned about. He was very forthright and didn"t make any crazy promises. It was the feeling of self-assurance and quiet confidence that he gave that made me feel comfortable. I felt very good about him from that seminar so I went to have a private consultation, and he advised me on what to have done and that just solidified my confidence in him. He approaches plastic surgery as a partnership between doctor and patient, and together you work out the most reasonable and realistic way to proceed. I never felt any pressure from him, and this was a really important thing for me.
I didn"t tell very many people. My really close friends thought that it was a great idea and that I had tremendous nerve to go ahead and do this. My younger sisters really wanted me to do it because they"re also considering plastic surgery and they wanted me to be their crash test dummy! hehe
Yes, it"s day surgery. After the surgery, I had a few hours of recovery time and then went back to my hotel. The staff is there just for you. The facility is yours for the day. The surgeon is yours, the anesthetist is yours, the technician is yours, the recovery nurse is yours. (I was a little too groggy to appreciate that!)
It was a subtle thing and a lot of people didn"t notice. People would ask me: "Did you change your hair? Did you lose weight?" I enjoyed that feeling of knowing something others didn"t. I didn"t advertise it. Of my close friends, everyone was very pleased and thought I looked great - and I felt like I looked great. My sisters were also pleased with the results and now they"re considering plastic surgery down the line.
It"s not even a tangible thing. I don"t know how you put your finger on it, but the feeling after the plastic surgery was "Yes! This is who I am!" I don"t think I came out of it a great beauty or looking any differently than I thought I looked. It was really a confirmation of "Yes, yes, this is what I look like. I"m back in the game!" It"s a tremendous confidence builder because I think that one of things that happens as you age is you lose that match between your internal view of yourself and your external view. It can erode your confidence, even if you"re a massively confident person. So one of the things plastic surgery can give back to you is a level of confidence. I don"t want to give the impression that if you"ve never had any confidence that plastic surgery will give it to you. But when you start to feel uncomfortable with people because you know the face they"re looking at isn"t the face you"d like to be presenting, then plastic surgery can get that match back.
Thank you,
Karyl Mills
When I was considering the possibility of getting a facelift, I started to do a great deal of research and talked to a number of people, including plastic surgeons. I have an acquaintance on web consultation who is a plastic surgeon, and he told me what I should be looking for in a plastic surgeon, which was vital information. I started keeping my eyes and ears open. Then I heard Korean ID hospital Dr. Sanghoon Park"s ad on the radio about one of his upcoming information seminars on plastic surgery, and I thought that this was a chance to assess him without getting too committed. At the seminar, I was really impressed with the fact that Dr. Park seemed to care as much about the medical side of the procedure as the cosmetic side. He talked a lot about the safety issues and addressed all the things that I was concerned about. He was very forthright and didn"t make any crazy promises. It was the feeling of self-assurance and quiet confidence that he gave that made me feel comfortable. I felt very good about him from that seminar so I went to have a private consultation, and he advised me on what to have done and that just solidified my confidence in him. He approaches plastic surgery as a partnership between doctor and patient, and together you work out the most reasonable and realistic way to proceed. I never felt any pressure from him, and this was a really important thing for me.
I didn"t tell very many people. My really close friends thought that it was a great idea and that I had tremendous nerve to go ahead and do this. My younger sisters really wanted me to do it because they"re also considering plastic surgery and they wanted me to be their crash test dummy! hehe
Yes, it"s day surgery. After the surgery, I had a few hours of recovery time and then went back to my hotel. The staff is there just for you. The facility is yours for the day. The surgeon is yours, the anesthetist is yours, the technician is yours, the recovery nurse is yours. (I was a little too groggy to appreciate that!)
It was a subtle thing and a lot of people didn"t notice. People would ask me: "Did you change your hair? Did you lose weight?" I enjoyed that feeling of knowing something others didn"t. I didn"t advertise it. Of my close friends, everyone was very pleased and thought I looked great - and I felt like I looked great. My sisters were also pleased with the results and now they"re considering plastic surgery down the line.
It"s not even a tangible thing. I don"t know how you put your finger on it, but the feeling after the plastic surgery was "Yes! This is who I am!" I don"t think I came out of it a great beauty or looking any differently than I thought I looked. It was really a confirmation of "Yes, yes, this is what I look like. I"m back in the game!" It"s a tremendous confidence builder because I think that one of things that happens as you age is you lose that match between your internal view of yourself and your external view. It can erode your confidence, even if you"re a massively confident person. So one of the things plastic surgery can give back to you is a level of confidence. I don"t want to give the impression that if you"ve never had any confidence that plastic surgery will give it to you. But when you start to feel uncomfortable with people because you know the face they"re looking at isn"t the face you"d like to be presenting, then plastic surgery can get that match back.
Thank you,
Karyl Mills