Mandibular Prognathism at ID hospital
2012-08-03 11:39

The Asian face tends to be relatively large, wide, and flat when compared with the Occidental. The cheek bones (malar portion of the maxillary A and zygoma B) may be more prominent, as may be the jaw bone (mandible C). In females, an overdeveloped cheek bone or jaw bone is sometimes seen as making the face look more masculine.
So, let"s take a look at the Korean ID plastic surgery hospital is how to introduce Mandibular Prognathism surgery.
Low self-esteem due to mandible prognathism
I was always made fun of by other people because of my protruding chin. They would call me a witch. It broke my heart. If I covered my chin, I looked fine so I would always wear a scarf. But I was sick and tired of hiding my face. I was able to find a slim, beautiful face that I’ve always wanted only because I met ID Hospital.
When the lower chin protrudes or the face is long, we commonly call it prominent mandible. In most cases, malocclusion is another symptom and it causes the following discomforts.
The tip of the chin protrudes and the mouth looks toothless, causing malocclusion.
- The tip of the chin protrudes and the mouth looks toothless, causing malocclusion.
- The lower jaw must be pushed back and occlusion must be achieved through orthodontic treatment.
- In this case, we recommend ID Hospital’s No-tie Two-jaw Surgery.
2. Both the jaw line and the face are relatively long.
- Both the jaw line and the face are long.
-The lips do not close completely or the gums are showing when smiling.
-In this case, we recommend ID Hospital’s No-tie Two-jaw Surgery.
3. Only the tip of the lower jaw protrudes while the patient does not experience malocclusion.
- Only the tip of the lower jaw protrudes while the patient does not experience malocclusion.
- The patient may think that only the tip of the lower jaw is protruding. However, the lower jaw must be pushed back while maintaining occlusion.
- In this case, we recommend ID Hospital’s No-tie Two-jaw Surgery.
4. The lower jaw is wide and long.
- The entire jaw is long and wide while showing mandibular prognathism at the same time.
- The jaw line must be reduced and the protruding jaw must be pushed back.
- In this case, we recommend ID Hospital’s V-line Two-jaw Surgery.
The central part of the face is flat or sinks
- Areas around the nose and below the eyes are flat while experiencing mandiular prognathism.
- People usually say that people with this type of face look tired and older than they are.
- The jaw must be pushed back and the central part must be lifted slightly.
- In this case, we recommend ID Hospital’s V-line Two-jaw Surgery.
Facial Asymmetry & Mandibular Prognathism
asymmetry & mandibular prognathism.
- The facial line must be smoothed out so that the left and right sides look symmetrical while pushing the jaw back.
- In this case, we recommend ID Hospital’s V-line Two-jaw Surgery.