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ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

It's a place to express and meet.


2012-08-09 15:38

Ways to treat microgenia

two jaw surgery
The posterior part of the jaw bone is pulled forward and fixed in that position. Unlike IVRO (intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy), SSRO (Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy) allows the surface of the bones to come in direct contact. This allows faster recovery and is an excellent procedure from the esthetic perspective.

three jaw surgery
This procedure is an advanced form of the two-jaw surgery. When microgenia is accompanied by protrusion of the upper teeth, the three jaw surgery uses two-jaw surgery and ASO together in order to increase the amount of the lower jaw pulled forward.

four jaw surgery
This is an advanced form of procedure that is performed on severe microgenia and mouth protrusion. A combination of ASO and two-jaw surgery increases the portion of the lower jaw being pulled forward.

Surgical procedures

Upon arrival, the patient gets a facial X-ray, CT, computer analysis, teeth modeling, mounting, and teeth examination.

Next, the chief surgeon discusses the test results with the patient. The surgeon informs the patient of the possibility of undergoing SFOA and choosing between lower jaw surgery and two-jaw surgery. Further surgery plans are also discussed.

ID Hospital is proud to offer 3D CT which promises accurate and reliable results.

The patient decides on the surgical procedure and undergoes additional tests for surgery, anesthesia and orthodontic treatment.

All these preparatory stages can be completed through one-stop service. In case the test results do not have any problems about the patient’s conditions, we contact the patient by phone.
ID Hospital uses its own test facilities, allowing patients to complete all test procedures safely and accurately.


The patient visits the hospital one week after the surgery and the surgeon checks the patient’s condition.

The patient visits the hospital again after two weeks to get the stitches removed.

Within two weeks, the patient can return to daily activities. Speaking and eating improve about 4 weeks after the surgery.

Intermaxillary fixation is needed for 2-4 weeks.

Orthodontic treatment begins one month after the surgery.