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  • ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

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Eyes that make one look ferocious since the ends project upward

2012-09-21 10:46
Eyes that make one look ferocious since the ends project upward
People with the ends of the eyes, projected upward often hear that they look ferocious or fierce. In this case, the ends of the eyes can be pulled down by leveraging latercantho plasty surgery while enlarging the eyes towards the back.

There is no instance in which the eyelids would adhere once again or when the red flesh projects outward since incision is not performed on the conjunctiva, and it is possible to enlarge the eyes while lifting down the ends of the eyes.
Moreover, pulling down the ends of the eyes (S-line Iris pseudoacorus) can be performed together to bring down the lower eyelids back side even more.

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