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What is Surgery First Orthognatic Approach?

2012-10-15 14:48
What is Surgery First Orthognatic Approach?
ID Hospital is the first hospital to widely introduce the ‘Surgery First Orthognatic Approach’ to correct mandibular prognathism. As the name implies, surgery is carried out first and then orthodontic treatment is followed. ID Hospital has made this technique well-known in the field of cosmetic surgery.
What are the advantages of SFOA?
Treatment period is shortened.
Previous orthognathic treatments usually have a three-step treatment process which is pre-surgical orthodontic treatment → jaw (orthognathic) surgery → post-surgical orthodontic treatment. But in the surgery-first approach skips the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment which leads to a significant reduction in overall treatment time.
Prevents aggravation of prognathism.
In previous orthognathic treatments, mandibular prognathism gets worsen during the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment period. This leads to a functional deficit in mastication and speech and also leads to a psychological distress state. All of these problems can be prevented by the surgery-first approach.
Have surgery whenever you want.
The surgery-first orthognathic approach can make immediate changes in one"s appearance after the surgery, and also the patient can have surgery whenever they want regardless of the orthodontic treatments.
Competitiveness of SFOA
3000 Cases of Clinical Experience
The theory alone cannot accurately predict and match the results of the surgery and orthodontic treatment. However, ID Hospital has conducted more than 3,000 cases of two-jaw surgeries and through this clinical experience, over 95% of the cases were performed with the surgery first approach.
Continuing Research & Development
ID Hospital officially adopted the SFOA in 2003 and has been on the very forefront of international attention by presenting our successful cases and clinical experiences at international symposiums. Since 2009, ID Hospital has been hosting ‘International Symposium on Surgery-First Orthognatic Approach’ introducing this technique both in Korea and abroad.
Poly Clinic System
Specialists in plastic surgery, orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial, otorhinolaryngology, and anesthesiology co-operate strongly from the very beginning of the surgery until after the surgery. ID Hospital’s Poly Clinic System promises you satisfying results that match your needs and plans for before and after the surgery.

new face , new life !
ID Hospital Korea

TEL: (+82) 70-7136-0058 / 2-34969787
E-mail: doctor@idhospital.com / idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com
Website: http://eng.idhospital.com/
Address: ID Building 574-2 Shinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
facebook: idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com
msn: idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com