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ID Pinkboard

ID Pinkboard

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ID Hospital Specialized Treatments

2013-01-08 08:42
Specialized Treatments
Orthognathic Surgery Center
The nation’s first center to conduct over 3,000 cases of two-jaw surgeries. Jaw deformities with prognathic mandible, facial asymmetry, long looking faces can be surgically managed. The most important point of jaw surgery is "safety". Each specialists diagnose deformities in the jaw and checks for functional problems of the jaw. They treat these jaw problems, leading to a functionally and esthetically well-balanced jaw.
Facial Contouring Center
A group of Korea"s best surgeons with more than 6,000 cases of clinical experience of facial contouring surgery performs mandible, cheekbone, chin and forehead surgery that is customized to each patient according to the patient"s needs and esthetic aspects and uniformed results are avoided.
Mouth Protrusion Treatment
Patients with small and retruded jaw(micro/retrognathia), short and retruded chin(microgenia) and mouth protrusion which means the mouth is protruded more than the tip of the nose or the end of the chin can be managed with proper treatments. Plastic surgeons, oral and maxillofacial surgeons, and orthodontists have communications for every patients and they set up optimal treatment plans for the patients by predicting the movement of the patients jaw and change of the occlusal status.
TMJ Treatment Center
Deformities of the jaws including prognathic or retruded mandible, facial asymmetry are commonly accompanied with TMJ(temporo-mandibular joint) disorders. The TMJ treatment center treats these jaw problems with a functionally and esthetically well-balanced jaw.
Orthodontic Center
Problems that need both surgery and orthodontic treatments such as prognathic or retruded mandible, facial asymmetry and mouth protrusion are co-managed by the plastic surgeons, oral surgeons and orthodontists. Also non-surgery requiring orthodontic treatments are performed to give you an even brighter smile.
Anesthesiology and Pain Management Center
Systems that are prepared for emergency are well-established. 5 board-certified anesthesiologists are always monitoring the patients closely before, during, and after the surgery to ensure the safety of the patients. Anesthesiologists perform all local anesthesia and general anesthesia for all of the surgeries carried in the hospital.
Rhinoplasty Center
Otolaryngologist(ENT) and plastic surgeons with abundant clinical experiences closely communicate with each other to provide the best treatment to the patients. Safe materials are used for a more beautiful and healthier result.
Eye, Fat & Petit Surgery Center
Eye surgeries to achieve even more beautiful eyes and fat injection surgeries to enhance the volumetric aesthetics of the face can lead to a more favorable and appealing appearance. One can also experience an amazing change with simple treatments such as filler injections, Botox®, PRP, and Accusculpt™.

new face , new
ID Hospital

TEL: (+82)
70-7136-0058 / 2-34969787
doctor@idhospital.com / idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com
Website: http://eng.idhospital.com/
Address: ID Building 574-2 Shinsa-dong,
Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
msn: idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com