Rhinoplasty Using Nasal Septum Cartilage
2013-02-05 08:48
Rhinoplasty Using Nasal Septum Cartilage
Combined system of otorhinolaryngologists and plastic surgeons.
Good bye to stuffy nose.
Who is a rhinoplasty expert?
In the United States, an increasing number of otorhinolaryngologists perform all facial surgeries not to mention rhinoplasty.
Since 10 years ago, it has become general for otorhinoloaryngology specialists to perform rhinoplasty because they are experts when it comes to nose functions and stuffiness.
Otolaryngology specialists and cosmetic surgery specialists are
working together in Rhinoplasty Center at ID Hospital in pursuit of
ideal beauty.
Why do people experience nose stuffiness?
The biggest culprit behind nose stuffiness is nasal septum and rhinitis.
It is difficult to breathe if one has rhinitis (allergic or hypertrophic because septum grows abnormally.
Deviated nasal septum requires nasal septum alignment or bone correction.
If septum is too big, scaling down mucous that surrounds bones inside it resolves breathing problems.
new face , new life !
ID Hospital Korea
TEL: (+82) 70-7136-0058 / 2-34969787
E-mail: doctor@idhospital.com / idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com
Website: http://eng.idhospital.com/
Address: ID Building 574-2 Shinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
facebook: idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com / idsanghoonpark@gmail.com
msn: idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com
Combined system of otorhinolaryngologists and plastic surgeons.
Good bye to stuffy nose.
Who is a rhinoplasty expert?
In the United States, an increasing number of otorhinolaryngologists perform all facial surgeries not to mention rhinoplasty.
Since 10 years ago, it has become general for otorhinoloaryngology specialists to perform rhinoplasty because they are experts when it comes to nose functions and stuffiness.
Otolaryngology specialists and cosmetic surgery specialists are
working together in Rhinoplasty Center at ID Hospital in pursuit of
ideal beauty.
Why do people experience nose stuffiness?
The biggest culprit behind nose stuffiness is nasal septum and rhinitis.
It is difficult to breathe if one has rhinitis (allergic or hypertrophic because septum grows abnormally.
Deviated nasal septum requires nasal septum alignment or bone correction.
If septum is too big, scaling down mucous that surrounds bones inside it resolves breathing problems.
new face , new life !
ID Hospital Korea
TEL: (+82) 70-7136-0058 / 2-34969787
E-mail: doctor@idhospital.com / idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com
Website: http://eng.idhospital.com/
Address: ID Building 574-2 Shinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
facebook: idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com / idsanghoonpark@gmail.com
msn: idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com