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Introduction to Surgical Procedures-- ID two-jaw surgery

2013-03-07 08:51
Introduction to Surgical Procedures-- ID two-jaw surgery

Surgery-First Orthognatic Approach
ID Hospital is the first hospital to widely introduce the ‘Surgery First Orthognatic Approach’ to correct mandibular prognathism. As the name implies, surgery is carried out first and then orthodontic treatment is followed. ID Hospital has made this technique well-known in the field of cosmetic surgery.
Treatment period is shortened.
Previous orthognathic treatments usually have a three-step treatment process which is pre-surgical orthodontic treatment → jaw (orthognathic) surgery → post-surgical orthodontic treatment. But in the surgery-first approach skips the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment which leads to a significant reduction in overall treatment time
Prevents aggravation of prognathism.
In previous orthognathic treatments, mandibular prognathism gets worsen during the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment period. This leads to a functional deficit in mastication and speech and also leads to a psychological distress state. All of these problems can be prevented by the surgery-first approach.
Have surgery whenever you want.
The surgery-first orthognathic approach can make immediate changes in one"s appearance after the surgery, and also the patient can have surgery whenever they want regardless of the orthodontic treatments.
ID two-jaw surgery
ID two-jaw surgery separates the upper and lower jaws and adjusts them in the correct position. The procedure is suitable for conditions including mandibular prognathism, mouth protrusion, facial asymmetry, and other abnormal positioning of the jaw. ID Hospital is proud to have recorded over 3,000 cases of two-jaw surgery. Depending on the degree of mandibular prognathism and malocclusion, either two-jaw surgery or lower jaw surgery will be chosen.

Two-jaw surgery
Two-jaw surgery means cutting(osteotomy) both the upper and lower jaw and repositioning it in a more functional and esthetic position. In a two-jaw surgery, lower jaw surgery is combined with Le Fort I osteotomy for the upper jaw. Two-jaw surgeries are needed when facial asymmetry is combined, when the degree of the mandibular prognathism is severe, when chin end is protruded, when orthodontic treatment has been done after teeth extraction, and when the facial length is long.

Lower jaw surgery
Lower jaw surgery is a procedure that cuts, setback and fix the lower jaw in a new position to treat mandibular prognathism. There are two common surgical methods in treating mandibular prognathism. Those are "sagittal split ramus osteotomy(SSRO) and "intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy(IVRO). We recommend SSRO rather than IVRO, since the former has shortened healing periods with wider contact areas between the cut bones which leads superior bone healing, and is also better on the aspect of esthetics.
Two-jaw surgery is required in
-mandibular prognathism exceeds 10mm
-the degree of mandibular prognathism and malocclusion differ greatly
-teeth extraction and orthodontic treatment are completed
-open bite
-long face
Treatment period is shortened.
Previous orthognathic treatments usually have a three-step treatment process which is pre-surgical orthodontic treatment → jaw (orthognathic) surgery → post-surgical orthodontic treatment. But in the surgery-first approach skips the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment which leads to a significant reduction in overall treatment time.
Prevents aggravation of prognathism.
In previous orthognathic treatments, mandibular prognathism gets worsen during the pre-surgical orthodontic treatment period. This leads to a functional deficit in mastication and speech and also leads to a psychological distress state. All of these problems can be prevented by the surgery-first approach.
Have surgery whenever you want.
The surgery-first orthognathic approach can make immediate changes in one"s appearance after the surgery, and also the patient can have surgery whenever they want regardless of the orthodontic treatments.
new face , new life !
ID Hospital Korea

TEL: (+82) 70-7136-0058 / 2-34969787
E-mail: doctor@idhospital.com / idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com
Website: http://eng.idhospital.com/
Address: ID Building 574-2 Shinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
facebook: idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com
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