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ID Pinkboard

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ID Hospital Surgery Procedures

2013-05-01 14:54
ID Hospital Surgery Procedures
Test and Examination/ Decide on SFOA Feasibility
Photos and X-ray are taken along with teeth model test. The patients SFOA feasibility is decided on whether or not the patient has occlusion problems and on the degree of dislocation of maxillary and mandibular.
Prepare equipment before surgery, conduct mock surgery
and make wafer
Mounting corrects the position of the upper jaw; wafer is made for the surgery and a mock surgery is conducted.
ECG, blood test, lung examination and check wafer
ECG, blood test, and lung examination are conducted. The patients wafer is checked to make sure it fits.
Orthognathic surgery
The surgery takes about two hours and the patient must be hospitalized 3-4 days after the surgery.
Removal of wafer after intermaxillary fixation for 2-6 weeks
/ Orthodontic treatment
Depending on the patients occlusion, the wafer is removed after 2-6 weeks of intermaxillary fixation. No-tie two-jaw surgery does not require intermaxillary fixation.
Orthodontic appliance is removed and the treatment ends.
When the orthodontic appliance is removed, the treatment is completed.
new face , new life !
ID Hospital Korea

TEL: (+82) 70-7136-0058 / 2-34969787
E-mail: doctor@idhospital.com / idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com
Website: http://eng.idhospital.com/
Address: ID Building 574-2 Shinsa-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea
facebook: idhospitalseoul@yahoo.com