Two jaw surgery in Korea experience (real review)
Two jaw surgery in Korea experience

My lips are so thick and protruded.

I tried to be seated rather than lying down and acted carefully when eating and talking.

I’m not sure if the length of my face got shorter but my protruded mouth is definitely not protruding anymore. I only had double jaw surgery but people ask me if I also had eyes and nose surgeries too. Maybe because my facial contour has changed!?

No matter from what angle I take the pictures, I’m just so happy with my jawlines.

I love to meet my friends and so happy to look at myself in the mirror!

After recovering from the double jaw surgery, I know that it could be too much but I also decided to have surgeries for my eyes and nose.

During the consultation for my eyes and nose, my doctor explained me what kind of shapes will look natural on my face.

I look very natural and I’m satisfied with it.

I’m still swollen but happy to have bigger eyes and new nose!

Since I’m very confident with my look now, I think I’ll do a great job for my job interviews.

Shooting day today! During the shooting, I really thought that having plastic surgery was the best decision I’ve ever made to myself.

No matter how I style my hair, I look so pretty after the surgeries heehee