I always wish to have more pretty nose as it seemed like low and blunt.
2018-01-15 17:03
I always wish to have more pretty nose as it seemed like low and blunt.

I always wish to have more pretty nose as it seemed like low and blunt. Thus I have decided to go for Rhinoplasty to achieve more defined nose shape as well as fat grafting to have 3 dimensional profile.

Even though there is a plaster on the nose, I can see that nose bridge higher & tip are higher. I was scared to hear that fat grafting on forehead could be hurt yet I did not feel pain after the procedures.

I am highly satisfied to achieve 3 dimensional profile and I think that fat grafting on forehead really helps to achieve beautiful facial line.

I feel like I become a TV star after surgery! All my friends are surprised to see me that with nose surgery and fat graft gave the astonishing results

I was worried that I would look unnatural once the swelling is reduced due to the silicone implant. Yet it looks natural after swelling is reduced thanks to the silicone implant which was carved fitting in to my original nose shape.

The nose bridge look higher and well-defined which improves look on the profile. I used not to take the side-view photos due to low nose bridge yet after surgery, I am enjoying taking profile photos

The best part after surgery is that I can have natural looks on photos in every angle which Photoshop program is not further required. I am deeply appreciated to ID hospital