male plastic surgery review / protruded chin, bite problem, and asymmetry.
Orthognathic Surgery
2018-01-15 18:02
male plastic surgery review / protruded chin, bite problem, and asymmetry.
before the surgery
I decided to get the orthognathic surgery to fix long face, protruded chin, bite problem, and asymmetry.
1 day after male plastic surgery review
I don’t remember surgery day properly but my only problem was a fever. I had light headache but that wasn’t so bad since nurses took care of me well.
8 days after male plastic surgery review
I came to hospital for first treatment and swelling care. At the swelling care room, I got lymph massage, infrared light treatment, and face diet pack which help to reduce swelling. And then, I went to the hospital to see doctor and remove stitches behind my ears.
2 weeks after male plastic surgery review
I went to ID Dental clinic and started orthodontic treatment. As you can see, I still have minor swelling. I don’t really have flesh on my face, so it looks like a little swelling making me younger.
3 weeks after male plastic surgery review
From now on, the condition of the occlusion changes a lot because of the surgery and I have to fix it with braces. I should focus on the orthodontic treatment more!
4 weeks after male plastic surgery review
Before surgery, I thought I would never want to fix my face but as my face gets smaller I want to get other surgeries too.
3 months after male plastic surgery review
At first, I was very frustrated because of the swelling, but after about 3 months swelling is completely gone. I just want to finish braces as soon as possible.