Orthognathic surgery, V-line surgery and Cheekbone reduction surgery
Orthognathic Surgery
2018-05-05 01:12
Surgeries in ID Hospital Korea Real Review

Before the Surgery
I first heard about ID Hospital in 2012, through the "Let Me In" makeover show. I was impressed by the amazing transformations that I saw, what impressed me most was Xu Yien's change. Every patient I saw, had a dramatic change. I was most drawn to Xu Yien's changes because like me, she had a double jaw surgery. It was my dream to have Dr. Park from ID Hospital Korea, do my orthognathic surgery.
I saw from the pictures, that ID Hospital was in a 15 story building, a huge hospital and that also was one of the reasons I wanted to go there. At that time, I was still not financially stable to pay for the surgery, but I waited until I was able to, and with ID Hospital's help, I was able to come to Korea to have my surgeries.

Surgery Process
I arrived on 14th and had my consultation appointment on the 15th. The Hospital is comprised of 16 floors, and 2 levels underground (Post-surgery treatment area). There were several staff that can communicate in Chinese so I had no communication problems. I came as a model for ID Hospital, so I had members of the Chinese team to assist and guide me as I went through my consultation. After meeting my consultant, she showed me my X-rays and CT scans. Finally, I had my consultation with Dr. Park. I am a big fan of Dr. Park and have sen the amazing surgery results he produces so I was very excited for him to do my surgery.
After Dr. Park analyzed my CT scans, he created a surgical plan customized for me. After that, I went to the ID dental clinic to have my wafer made. The Chinese team were very supportive and helped me through out.

1 Week after surgery

This picture was taken 1 week after surgery, and now I look at the mirror with a smile. I feel like I have won a million dollars lottery ticket. Actually, it is even more exciting than that! I have one more week before the stitches inside my mouth would be removed. I have a lot of swelling but even then, I can see the complete transformation of the way I look.
3 Weeks after surgery

It has been 3 weeks already! Time flies by really fast. After having my stitches removed, I returned home the next day. I followed all the instructions and continued to gargle, and started the training exercises for my jaw. All of my colleagues and friends had a hard time recognizing me. I was very happy to hear all the great compliments I got. When I went back to college, everyone was shocked by the changes. Many people knew I was going to get surgery and were very concerned but after they saw the results, I got very positive reception from my college friends.
My closest college friend told me she had a secret, and she told me that since she met me, she secretly thought I looked ugly and old, which is why everyone always thought I am older than I actually was. What she said didn't affect me because since I have had surgery, I am very confident and at a very good place emotionally. I am really looking forward to seeing how I will look after all the swelling has reduced. I thank ID Hospital for this great opportunity to change my life. I encourage everyone to bravely pursue their dreams so they will not have any regrets.
1 Month after surgery

I finally went to meet my family for the first time since having my surgery. My parents were shocked to see my transformation, and so were my extended family members. All of them gave me great compliments, which made me very happy. I am very happy with everyone's reaction, and looking forward to all the swelling disappearing.
2 months after surgery

It is 2 months after surgery. My face keeps getting smaller and smaller as the swelling reduces, and I feel beautiful and confident. I can barely remember the horrible feelings I felt due to my appearance before surgery, because I just feel happy from the bottom of my heart. I am also happy because now I can go back to eating spicy food! I do not enjoy bland food and the last 2 months have been hard, but I am glad I can go back to eating my favorite spicy dishes again.
3 months after surgery

3 months have passed so far and so much of the swelling has reduced. My face is now small, but there is still some swelling left. I recently had a haircut because I have always wanted short hair, but because of my face shape, I always had long hair which I used to hide my face with. Now I am looking forward to my 6 months results.
4 months after surgery

4 months have passed and I look and feel amazing! My face keeps getting slimmer, and I can see changes to my face very frequently. I can open my mouth a lot easily now, and I still keep doing my jaw exercises consistently. Some of my neighbors and acquaintances that I haven't met since my surgery do not recognize me when I greet them because I look nothing like my former self. I am no longer shy, so I meet a lot of people and feel more confident. I am looking forward to my complete results as I keep healing, and can't wait to see my 1 year post surgery results. I am learning to love myself and focus more on bettering myself. I have started working out, so I can also have a great body. This surgery has enabled me to find myself and I am very happy for this great new chance at life, and will be forever grateful to ID Hospital.