Mawenli had a full transformation at ID Hospital
Orthognathic Surgery
2018-07-18 18:36

Before Surgery
I came from China to get plastic surgery from ID Hospital. There are many good hospitals, so I did a lot of researching before I decided to choose ID Hospital. I decided to have my surgeries here because of the surgeon’s experience level and safety. I met my surgeons for consultation, and because I will be having double jaw surgery, I cannot have rhinoplasty surgery at the same time due to breathing issues. I will have rhinoplasty with my second session of fat graft when I return in 2 months.
I must admit, I got very scared before the surgery. When I was on the bed getting ready for the anesthesia, I was very frightened. ID Hospital staffs were comforting me, and I fell asleep. I woke up after the surgery and didn’t feel any pain.

1 week after surgery
I went for my first week check-up, and the doctor checked my stitches to make sure they were healing as normal. I had the stitches for the double eyelids surgery removed, and it was painful. I also had a massage with some laser treatment for reducing the swelling. I can’t wait to go back to New York; I hope most of the swelling will be gone by then.
I am eating mostly soft foods, since I cannot chew yet, but I will try some solid foods by next week. I have to avoid greasy, spicy foods, so sadly there are many things I cannot eat yet.

2 weeks after surgery
I couldn’t help myself and I actually had cake, and dumplings. It doesn’t hurt at all, but I felt guilty for giving in to my cravings! I bought various masks from ID Hospital skin care line to help with the swelling. I leave the masks in the fridge so they are cold when I apply to my skin. As I will be leaving soon, I really want the swelling to be gone.
My stitches were finally removed and I received some post-surgery swelling care treatments again. I did a lot of shopping and finally ready to leave. I will miss all the ID Hospital staff, especially those who were so kind and caring.

2 months after surgery
Another month has passed by so quickly, and I has passed the uncomfortable phase of the healing. My face is still swollen, but it is so much better than when I just came out of surgery. Even though people warned me that I will look too “plastic”, I don’t think so. I look just the way I always wanted to look, and my surgery results look so natural.

3 months after surgery
My swelling has reduced dramatically and my V-shaped chin is more obvious now. I can start smiling now, but my friend said it looks unnatural. I still have numbness in my chin, so I will definitely check with the doctor when I go back to the Hospital for my rhinoplasty and second session of fat graft. I can only open my mouth the width of one finger, and I am not sure if it is because of numbness or because I am scared to open my mouth wider. I met a lot of friends that I haven’t seen for a long time and they all say I have completely changed! I can’t wait for the last part, so my transformation can be complete.

4 months after surgery
Since I had surgery before, I was well prepared for having surgery for the second time. After the rhinoplasty, I had difficulty breathing the first night, but no pain. After they removed the sponges inside my nose, I could breathe well. MY nose is healing well and I love the results, even though I still have swelling.

I do not need to wear too much make-up anymore; all my features look beautiful and natural. I can’t wait for the last part, so my transformation can be complete. I finally ate my first burger since after the surgery, because I can open my mouth really wide. I felt so ugly and self-conscious for so long but now after my surgeries, I have started becoming more social and even have a boyfriend! I am so satisfied with the results!