Naoko's Orthognathic/facial contouring surgery review
Orthognathic Surgery
2018-07-18 19:00

Before Surgery
I am Naoko from Japan. I had a protruding mouth, receded chin, gummy smile and a long face. After seeing my X-ray and CT scans and having a consultation with the doctor, I decided to have double jaw surgery and V-line surgery.

1 day after surgery
I just had surgery yesterday, so I am still in the ward. I will get discharged in an hour and then come back next week for a check-up.

1 week after surgery
After my surgery, I had a lot of swelling and bruising, but I saw that my face shape had dramatically changed. I was in pain, and could not eat after surgery or even drink water for 6 hours! I had difficulty sleeping on the first night, but was able to sleep from the next night onwards.
I can only eat soups and have juices, so I cannot eat much. After the third day, I tried to get up more and walk around my hotel room because I heard that it helps with swelling reduction.

2 weeks after surgery
My stitches removed and the tightness I felt in my mouth is gone. I had facial care treatments twice already and I can see a big difference with the results so far. I am happy to see my progress so far. I have been walking and going out shopping, really excited to see my new face. I was advised to begin my mouth exercises to help the nerves in my lower jaw area, so I plan to do my exercises so I can heal well.

2 months after surgery
My family and friends have all been so surprised to see me. I am still getting stares and compliments, even though I still have major swelling. My face has gotten a lot smaller, and since I have been doing the exercise, my mouth is getting less numb.

3 months after surgery
I still have some major swelling and minor swelling. I do realize that I will take time to heal, because I had major surgery, but I am looking forward to healing well. Having surgery is not an easy thing, but I am glad I made the decision to have surgery, I am happy that I have taken care of my jaw problems. I can chew easily now, and most of all, I feel beautiful. Feeling ugly or getting mean stares is a thing of the past, and I have ID Hospital surgeons and staffs to thank for that!