Looking younger
2016-12-03 11:07
Hi, may I kindly ask you to give me some recommendations as soon as possible on the basis of my pictures attached.
I will be in Seoul from 9th till 18th December.
Thank you very much for your understanding and quick response.
Kind regards,
I will be in Seoul from 9th till 18th December.
Thank you very much for your understanding and quick response.
Kind regards,
Thank you for taking your time in sending us your photos and having interest in ID Hospital!
Please note that the recommendations made are purely from your sent photos alone and for more accurate recommendation it requires a face-to-face consultation with our staffs and doctor; as well as possible x-ray and CT scan for more accurate understanding of your bone structure.
Based on your photos, the skin on your face has a bit of sagging and yet there are some places that require fat graft due to being sunken in (sunken under eyes, not much volume in the cheeks). For that, we recommend Non Incision SMAS Lifting (elastic thread lifting) and a full face fat graft. For your eyes, an incision double eyelid surgery is recommended as the eye crease are not even.
Non Incision SMAS Lifting is a mixture of elastic band lifting. Along with the Lifting, Accusculpt fat removal laser is used to get rid of the fat in unwanted areas therefore, unlike old-fashioned liftings, this one pulls skin, fat, and muscle simultaneously and lifts to ensure a nice, tight, V line.
For more details and before & after photos, click here!
Fat graft
Any area with excess fat tissue, such as thigh or abdominal region, will be removed, isolated, and centrifuged. The processed fat tissue will then be administered to the area of interest via injection.
Please see detailed procedure and amazing before & after photos here!
http://m.eng.idhospital.com/main_surgerys/nano (Mobile)
http://eng.idhospital.com/eye/eye030402.php (PC)
The prices for the requested procedures are:
- Non Incision SMAS Lifting starts at 5 million KRW (without the Accusculpt)
- Nano fat graft starts at 4 million KRW for whole face.
- Incision eyelid surgery starts only at 2.5 million KRW
Prices are inclusive of pre and post operation examination fee (X-ray and CT scan), post-op treatments fee, anesthesia fee etc. If you send us deposit before you come to make sure you get the best doctor for your surgery on your preferred day, we will also provide an airport pick-up and hotel booking assistance (fee is not included)
You're required to stay in Korea for 10 days at least after the surgery for following check-up and treatments.
If you have any other surgeries that you're interested in or have any further questions do feel free to contact us at doctor@idhospital.com we are more than happy to assist you~
Thank you for your interests in ID Hospital.
Best Regards,
ID Hospital
ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
(from facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)
Telephone : +82-2-3496-9787 / +82-2-3496-9768 / +82-2-3496-9763 / +82-2-3496-9783
E-mail: doctor@idhospital.com
Whatsapp / Viber : +821031875905
Kakao Talk : idhospitalkorea
Line : idhospitalkorea
Skype: idhospitalkorea
Webpage : http://eng.idhospital.com
YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/idhospitalkorea
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/idhospital.eng
Instagram : http://instagram.com/idhospitalkorea
Blog : http://idhospital.blogspot.kr/
Address: ID Building 142 Dosan-Daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea