Double jaw surgery for caucasian male
2017-01-23 14:32
I am writing to enquire about double jaw surgery at ID hospital. I understand the desired "aesthetic" look in Korea is quite different to that in caucasian countries, this is one of my concerns. It seems to me in Korea the desire is for more of a slimmer, gracile shape to the face, whereas for men in western countries the preferred ideal is long, broad and angular.
I received a report from a facial analysis company that indicated to me I would be a good candidate for specifically CCW bimax with a genioplasty/chin advancement.
Does your clinic perform Counter-Clockwise rotation with advancement of the jaws with a genioplasty? this is important to me as I think its crucial to what I want to achieve. And what would be the rough cost all in with pursuing double jaw at id hospital?
I have attached pictures, please let me know if the doctor thinks CCW double jaw and genio is a good idea to improve my face
I am writing to enquire about double jaw surgery at ID hospital. I understand the desired "aesthetic" look in Korea is quite different to that in caucasian countries, this is one of my concerns. It seems to me in Korea the desire is for more of a slimmer, gracile shape to the face, whereas for men in western countries the preferred ideal is long, broad and angular.
I received a report from a facial analysis company that indicated to me I would be a good candidate for specifically CCW bimax with a genioplasty/chin advancement.
Does your clinic perform Counter-Clockwise rotation with advancement of the jaws with a genioplasty? this is important to me as I think its crucial to what I want to achieve. And what would be the rough cost all in with pursuing double jaw at id hospital?
I have attached pictures, please let me know if the doctor thinks CCW double jaw and genio is a good idea to improve my face
Thank you for taking your time in sending us your photos and having an interest in ID Hospital.
I would like to remind you that recommendations are purely recommendations, it would take person-to-person consultation with our well experienced doctors using possible X ray and CT scan in order to give you accurate diagnose and the best surgical plan.
Based on your photos, it appears that you have long chin from the front profile, but from side profile your chin is not define. Since you are interested in Two jaw surgery, would you be able to send me bite photos? So that we can give you the better recommendations and price quotes.
Please send us email ( with your photos and bite photos.
Please also let me know If you need further information.
Best Regards,
ID Hospital
ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
(from facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)
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