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Plastic surgery Price inquiry

Plastic surgery Price inquiry

Nose, body, skin, and under-eye fat grafting

2017-02-07 04:35
I have been considering plastic surgery for a long time and have quite a few procedures I'm considering. I am currently quite chubby, as I have gained a lot of weight in the past few years, and I know that when I lose weight, there's a good chance I will have extra skin that would make me want to have a tummy tuck. I also have never had a perfectly flat stomach, so am worried that even after weight loss, I'll have some extra chub on my lower stomach and obliques that I hope would smooth out the contours.
I'm also curious if there's anything that can be done about stretch marks. I have some very light marks around my midsection. My skin also has some discoloration due to acne in my youth. I have darker skin, but I'm hoping there's still a chance to correct discolorations?
For my face, I'm interested in a mild nose job, and a little fat grafting. My nose is a bit bulbous at the tip, so I want a bit of the sides of the tip to be shaved down to be a bit more appealingly rounded and even. I'm hoping this won't need my nose bone to be broken. Also for my face, I have deep set eyes that cause a bit of a ring in the inner corners that makeup won't cover. I was hoping to get some fat grafting to that area so my under eyes wouldn't look quite as hollow.
I know this is a lot, but since I'm still figuring out exactly what I want and what the problems are, I wanted to put them all out there. How much would each procedure cost separately and together? Would it be cheaper to get all the surgeries done at once, or to spread them out over a few months? How long would the healing process be?
I apologize for the photos, I wasn't sure what face to make so my expression is a bit strange.
Thank you for all your help!
Total 1

  • 2017-02-08 13:54

    Thank you for taking your time to send us your photo and showing an interest in ID Hospital. We have reviewed your case and the following are our recommendations for you.

    I would like to remind you that recommendations are purely recommendations; it would take face-to-face consultation with our well experienced doctors using possible X-ray and CT scan in order to give you accurate diagnosis and the best surgical plan tailored to your needs.

    Based on your photo, your face has some excess cheek fat, but since you will be losing weight, we recommend getting a consultation closer to your surgery plan. For your nose, we recommend rhinoplasty. For the under eye aream we recommend under eye fat graft.

    ID Liposuction

    Unnecessary fat tissues under the skin can be destroyed by ID Liposuction! Here at ID, we do not only focus on removing large amount of fat, but also consider each individual’s body shape in order to create more balanced and proportional body. Liposuction is available for the arms and thighs as well as abdominal area.

    <Detailed surgical information for liposuction and before & after photos>
    http://eng.idhospital.com/body/body02.php (PC)
    http://m.eng.idhospital.com/main_surgerys/liposuction (PC)

    'Barbie line nose surgery' (Bridge augmentation + Tipplasty) will create a beautiful and natural nose with tall, straight bridge and sophisticated tip. The ‘Barbie’ nose that looks perfect from every angle!

    Before & after photos
    http://eng.idhospital.com/media/media0205.php?cat_id=a (PC)
    http://m.eng.idhospital.com/board/sbna/view/cno/16 (Mobile)
    FAQ about nose surgery
    http://eng.idhospital.com/nose/faq.php (PC)
    http://m.eng.idhospital.com/nose/faq (Mobile)

    The prices for all the procedures are as follows:

    - Tummy tuck starts at price 10 million KRW.
    - Liposuction for abdomen starts at 6.2 million KRW
    - Liposuction for love handles starts at 4 million KRW
    - Barbie line nose surgery starts at 5 million KRW
    - Under eye fat graft starts at 2.3 million KRW

    For liposuction, depending on the area and amount of fat, the price is subject to change.
    Price is inclusive of pre and post operation examination fee (X-ray and CT scan), post-op treatments fee, anesthesia fee, hospitalization fee (if required) etc. If you send us deposit before you come to make sure you get the best doctor for your surgery on your preferred day, we will also provide an airport pick-up and hotel booking assistance at special price (fee is not included)

    You're required to stay in Korea for 15 days after the surgery for following check-up and treatments.

    If you have any other surgeries that you're interested in or have any further questions do feel free to contact us at doctor@idhospital.com we are more than happy to assist you~

    Thank you for your interests in ID Hospital.

    Best Regards,

    ID Hospital

    ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
    (from facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)

    Telephone : +82-2-3496-9787 / +82-2-3496-9768 / +82-2-3496-9763 / +82-2-3496-9783
    E-mail: doctor@idhospital.com
    Whatsapp / Viber : +821031875905
    Kakao Talk : idhospitalkorea
    Line : idhospitalkorea
    Skype: idhospitalkorea

    Webpage : http://eng.idhospital.com
    YouTube : http://www.youtube.com/idhospitalkorea
    Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/idhospital.eng
    Instagram : http://instagram.com/idhospitalkorea
    Blog : http://idhospital.blogspot.kr/

    Address: ID Building 142 Dosan-Daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea