Plastic surgery for men?
2017-02-12 08:08
Hello, my name is george im from los angeles california im hispanic mexican american, and i look very different from my kind of ethnicity, as i got older i got really uglier my facial cheekbone to forehead eyebrow area got larger, i have become really sad and depressed over this because looks are very important in this life first impressions r everything i used to be attractive and now im 22 and people just stare at me wierd inwish i could look good again now im just in my room all the time crying, i domt have much money right now, indont know if u have ever done surgery for any hispanics/ mexicans thisnwould be a good opportunity, i would love if u can help me please help me im really sad my boyfriend recently left me and ive become more depressed no one likes me 🙁 im really sad plz help me im dying inside... from what i see what needs work is my facial area around my cheeks and forhead by my eyesbrows i dont know what u doctors reccomend i dont have much money either if u guys can help it would mean the world to me i never cut my hair because i cover part of my fave with it im really sad please help me korea id doctors i really need a miracle to get my life back im a good person but people just look at me wierd 🙁 can u guys please help me look better or more masculine im so sad 🙁
I would like to remind you that recommendations are purely recommendations, it would take person-to-person consultation with our well experienced doctors using possible X ray and CT scan in order to give you accurate diagnose and the best surgical plan.
Based on your photos, it appears that you have slightly sleepy looking eyes. I would like to recommend you our incision ptosis correction for eyes.
Incision ptosis correction starts at 3.5 million KRW (3200 USD)
USD price can be changed due to exchange rate. All surgery fee is based on Korean Won. Please also note, if there is differed recommendation at consultation there will be a change in price.
You're required to stay in Korea for 10 days at least after the surgery for following check-up and treatments. Major level of swelling and bruises may last for 2~4 weeks.
Please send us email ( If you need further information.
Best Regards,
ID Hospital
ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
(from facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)
Telephone : +82-2-3496-9787 / +82-2-3496-9768 / +82-2-3496-9712
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