Ortognatic, Face, mouth, skin
2017-03-10 04:28
Hello, I desperately looking for help. My face looks really ugly. First of all, something is wrong with orthtognatics. My face look, really hollow and flat. I don't have cheekbones. There is some asymmetry. The left side of the fice is narrowe then the right side, and its more hollow. The only thing sticking on my face are some teeths of upper jaw, I dont know is this prognathism. The next thing, my nose I hate him, Its big with hump. I want to have a beautiful nose, small , straight nose. Also my mouth and lips seem to be too small, and I have some scars box scars ice pick scars on my face. I am wondering what procedures can be done, and what orthtognatic defect it is.
Sorry for my english.
The fact is that I don't want life anymore with such face. I will be honestly with you, I dont have money, but I am desperate. Is there is posibility to do transformation in the hospital, instead money in other type of payments. I mean I can be yours living advertising, my transormation can be filmed if you want to. I can do anything, what you want by free instead by transformation. Like I said I dont want to life like this anymore.I am really ugly, sick and lonely and probably my genetic sickness Bloch-Sulzberger disease, cause this is some way.
You are my lost hope. Maybe I am naive, but I am so depressed, that I had to try.
Sorry for my english.
The fact is that I don't want life anymore with such face. I will be honestly with you, I dont have money, but I am desperate. Is there is posibility to do transformation in the hospital, instead money in other type of payments. I mean I can be yours living advertising, my transormation can be filmed if you want to. I can do anything, what you want by free instead by transformation. Like I said I dont want to life like this anymore.I am really ugly, sick and lonely and probably my genetic sickness Bloch-Sulzberger disease, cause this is some way.
You are my lost hope. Maybe I am naive, but I am so depressed, that I had to try.
Have you had surgery before? For optimum service, please send us your frontal and side view photos, with bite (Passport photo style, without make-up) so that we can give you the better recommendations and price quotes.
Please also advise which part of your face you don't like and how you want it to be in specific.
Please send us email (doctor@idhospital.com) If you need further information.
Best Regards,
ID Hospital
ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
(from facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)
Telephone : +82-2-3496-9787 / +82-2-3496-9768 / +82-2-3496-9712
E-mail: doctor@idhospital.com
Whatsapp / Viber : +821031875905
Kakao Talk, Line, Skype : idhospitalkorea
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