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Plastic surgery Price inquiry

Plastic surgery Price inquiry

Re:birthmark removal

2017-05-25 15:57


Thank you for contacting ID hospital.

Usually for skin issues, we recommend the customer to come for a face to face consultation so that the doctor can see your skin condition in person. Usually, 3 to 5 sessions or more are required to see a noticeable difference and the laser sessions can be done once a month, so if it is convenient for you to visit once a month for the sessions, or you live in Korea, then it is recommended for you.

If you would like to schedule a consultation with our head doctor at the dermatologist, kindly let me know and I will assist you accordingly.

If you have any other surgeries that you're interested in or have any further questions do feel free to contact us at doctor@idhospital.com we are more than happy to assist you~

Thank you for your interests in ID Hospital.

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