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Plastic surgery Price inquiry

Plastic surgery Price inquiry

Facial contouring

2017-08-10 13:11
Hi there, I have a few questions regarding facial contouring procedures you have to offer. I'm not exactly sure which type of procedure I would need to be able to achieve the results I want, can you please help steer me in the right direction? I have a very round shaped face, and I fine my face to be somewhat large/long and doesn't have much definition around the jawline, which gives the illusion of a "double chin". I've attached a few photos of my face from different angles, as well a a photo of the shape/definition id like to achieve. Can you please tell me which procedure you think would be best suitable for me? Thank you!

Country :Canada

E-Mail :Karissa.fernandes@hotmail.com

Phone :+16477823279
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