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Plastic surgery Price inquiry

Plastic surgery Price inquiry

Re:Please help

2017-11-01 16:28

Thank you for taking your time in sending us your photos and having interest in ID!!

First, please note that the recommendations made are purely from your sent photos alone and for more accurate recommendation it requires a face-to-face consultation with our staffs and doctor; as well as possible x-ray and CT scan for more accurate understanding of your bone structure.


Based on your pictures, your nose looks very bulbous and wide.

We would like to recommend you rhinoplasty with alarplasty (reducing the size of alar bases).

'Barbie line nose surgery' (Bridge augmentation + Tipplasty)


Overall, we aim at creating a beautiful and natural nose with tall, straight bridge and sophisticated tip. The ‘Barbie’ nose that looks perfect from every angle!


<Surgical steps>

  1. After analyzing protrusion of your forehead and lips, individualized implants will be designed that perfectly fits shape of your nose before the surgery using a 3D scanner and Cad.

  2. Analyzing the width of alar and columella, create natural Barbie doll like nose tip and ideal bridge that you want using double cartilage (cartilage of ear and nasal septum).



Barbie line nose surgery at id hospital starts at 6 million KRW


Price is inclusive of pre and post operation examination fee (X-ray and CT scan), post-op treatments fee, anesthesia fee etc.


If you send us deposit before you come to make sure you get the best doctor for your surgery on your preferred day, we will also provide an airport pick-up, hotel booking assistance (fee is not included) car services between hotel and hospital.


You're required to stay in Korea for 7 days after the surgery for following check-up and treatments.


To fill the  nasolabial fold (sunken area around mouth), we recommend you filler injection.

Price for filler injection 1 million KRW per CC.



What is Under eye fat repositioning?


Bulging eye bags are one of the reason causes dark circles, giving off tired and dark images. Under eye fat repositioning surgery removes the bulging eye bags and make under eye even by filling out other areas such as tear trough with removed fat. It corrects dark circles and small wrinkles in order to make your image brighter.  Unlike other hospital, we additionally perform fat graft on your under eye area that’s extracted from your own body to make love band in order to create youthful and cuter look.


Special features of ID’s Under eye fat repositioning


  1. Get brighter and youthful image with Under eye fat repositioning and love bands creation

Darkness of the under eye area has to be disappeared to make your big and beautiful eyes look more attractive. While we remove the causes that is making under eye dark by under eye fat repositioning, increase the volume on under eye area, using your own fat. This procedure will give you brighter image and younger-looking eyes.


  1. Permanent effect without recurrence!

There is a chance of recurrence as time goes, by due to decreased elasticity of skin tissue if repositioning has been performed by moving under eye fat to under layer of the muscle which is above periosteum. You will have almost the permanent result with us since we reposition it to below the periosteum which is the most firm part.


  1. No scarring!

Since the incision will be made through conjunctiva behind the eyelid skin, no scars will be left after the surgery.


Surgery Candidates & Surgical information


Surgery Candidate


A patient who has dark circles that makes you look tired.

A patient who cannot hide the darkness around under eye even with the make-up

A patient who cannot remove dark circles even with the laser treatment

A patient who has sunken under eye or needs love bands

A patient who look old due to bulging eye bags


Surgical information


Surgical time : 30 minutes

Anesthesia : Local sleeping anesthesia

Hospitalization : Not required

Stitch removal : Not required


You need to stay in Korea at least for 7~8 days after the surgery.

Under eye fat repositioning starts at 2.5 million KRW

Price is all inclusive of airport pick-up, hotel booking assistance (fee is not included) car services between hotel and hospital, pre and post operation examination fee (X-ray and CT scan), post-op treatments fee, etc.


Do feel free to contact us with any further questions that you may have at doctor@idhospital.com we are more than happy to assist you~

Thank you for your interests in ID Hospital.
Have a great day!

Best Regards,

ID Hospital

ID Hospital, where happier faces are discovered.
(From facial bone to eyes and nose plastic surgery)

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New Address: ID Hospital, 142, Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea (KOR: 서울시 강남구 도산대로 142 아이디병원 B/D)
(OLD address: ID Hospital, 5-6, Gangnam-gu, Seoul)
- Walk straight for 200 meters from exit 1 of Sinsa Station (line 3). We’re located next to Young Dong Hotel.
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