• Anti-aging
  • Full Facelift

Full Facelift

Full Facelift

Improving deep wrinkles of the entire face
to change your image and your life

What is Full Facelift?

It is a surgery that improves deep facial wrinkles by removing stretched skin and saggy muscle through minimal incisions on the frontal part of your ears.
Full Facelift gives you a definite lifting effect with an elegant and graceful image.

Image Design by Full Facelift

Change your image for a second life

We make a precise analysis to design a personalized image

Do you look depressed all the time?

Improvement of saggy cheeks and nasolabial folds

Gorgeous image like first lady

Do you look angry?

Improvements with plump cheeks

Elegant image like first lady

Does your face look big?

Improvement of droopy chin

Classy image like first lady

Benefits of Full Facelift

Beautiful youth from any angle

It will give you a lifting effect From every angle – right, left, or front

Permanent lift effect with a single procedure

It pulls and sutures the incised skin along with droopy SMAS (fascia) layer under the skin to give you a permanent effect through a single procedure.

Lift for a natural face

Lift points and pulling directions are correctly set to prevent unnatural face, and we are confident in giving you satisfying surgical result.

Excellent lift for wrinkles

Saggy skin and muscle are pulled to the maximum range set for lift, reducing facial size as well as greatly improving deep wrinkles on the entire face.

Speciality of Full Facelift

id-hospital-full-facelift-high-tech endoscope
Technique 01
High-tech endoscope

Precisely analyzing tissue under the skin with the endoscope to minimize tissue damage around surgical areas

Technique 02
Knowhow of our medical team

Plastic surgeons with rich experience create detailed incisions and skillful sutures to minimize bleeding and pain, and no side effect, such as bumpy skin.

Technique 03
Minimal incisions on frontal part of the ear

Minimal incisions are made on inner part of the hair line and frontal area of the ear. Incisional scars on inner part of the hair line is hidden by hair, and the ones on frontal area of the ear become invisible after about 3 months.

Selected by symptoms, Full Facelift just for you!

It is the most effective anti-aging method that improves wrinkles and saggy skin on the entire face such as droopy and saggy cheeks and deep nasolabial folds which is not able to be fixed through thread lifting, liposuction, or laser treatment.


Benefits of Full Facelift

  1. Definite lifting effect
  2. Permanent effect
  3. Personalized image design
  4. Improvements with wrinkles on the entire face
  5. No scars or nerve damages left

Precautions After Lifting Surgery

Prohibited for 1 month
Alcohol, tobacco, sauna(steam room), severe stimulation on the surgical area, and actions that force the face
  • In the event of an incision and facelift lifting: If you have contraindications to compresses, severe heat sensations, or bleeding in the suture area, apply cold compresses for 3 days.
    (Wrap the fomentation pack with a thin towel and use. Warm compresses are contraindicated)
  • For non-incision and thread lifting: Apply cold compresses for 3 days.
    (Wrap the fomentation pack with a thin towel and use. Warm compresses are contraindicated)
  • The Jabster (contour band) can be removed after 48 hours (remove the gauze inside the Jabster as well), and after 48 hours, you can tilt your head back to shampoo and wash. (Before removing the stitches/minimize irritation to the suture area, and dry with cold wind.)※ Remove the Duoderm (dressing) on the needle marks on your face after 2 days.
    ※ If there is a tape under the chin, wet it thoroughly with warm water after 3 days and gently remove it
  • Keep gauze on the top of the head while you are working. (Prevents hair loss and pressure) If you are too frustrated, please release it in the middle.
  • Hard foods should be avoided for 1 to 2 weeks, and a low pillow is recommended so that you do not bow your head for a long time (so that no pressure is applied to the face).
  • There may be temporary bulging symptoms, but it will improve after 1 to 2 months. (Period may vary depending on individual differences.)
  • Please take your discharge medicine well. It contains pain relievers. If the pain is severe, you can additionally take 1 to 2 tablets per day.
  • Light walks after surgery will help reduce swelling. After 1 month, most exercises are possible.
During Endotine Surgery
  • -Keep the bandage on the surgical area until you visit the hospital.
  • -You may have symptoms such as dizziness and tinnitus for 1 to 2 weeks. It is a symptom that can appear during the recovery process after surgery, so taking Bonaling-A tablets included in the discharge medicine will help relieve symptoms.
Disinfection method after lifting surgery
[From today]
Povidone stick
Povidone stick


Eye ointment
Eye ointment
Starting on the 2~4th day. Disinfect the suture area in the morning and the evening.
①Disinfect with the povidone lodine swabstick ② Applying Tarivid Ophthalmic Ointment

Surgery Information

Surgery time

2 hours


General anesthesia


Not required

Removal of stitches

1~2 weeks later

Recovery time

1~2 weeks

※ Alert: Common side effects such as bleeding and infection may occur post surgery and varies according to each patient so careful attention is needed.

Before and After Photos