• Orthognathic Surgery
  • Mandibular Surgery

Mandibular Surgery

Mandibular Surgery

Correction of moving mandibular jaw,
bone structure and occlusion

What is Mandibular Surgery?

Mandibular Surgery cuts the back of the jaw bone and holds the overlapping part in order to move the entire protruded mandibular jaw to the right place.
Since only the mandibular jaw is moved for its occlusion with maxillary bone, it reduces the surgical area by half compared to orthognathic surgery that moves both upper and lower jaws.


SSRO (Sagittal Split Ramus Osteotomy)

IVRO (Intraoral Verical Ramus Osteotomy) 

Lower jaw surgery is a procedure that cuts, setback and fix the lower jaw in a new position to treat mandibular prognathism. There are two common surgical methods in treating mandibular prognathism. Those are ‘sagittal split ramus osteotomy(SSRO) and ‘intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy(IVRO). We recommend SSRO rather than IVRO, since the former has shortened healing periods with wider contact areas between the cut bones which leads superior bone healing, and is also better on the aspect of esthetics.


>> Operate osteotomy on the lower jaw -> Move lower jaw after osteotomy and trim protruded jaw -> Fasten the bones after osteotomy

Candidates for Mandibular Surgery

“When your mandibular jaw bone is not located on the right place ”

(only if the rest of your face is symmetrical)

Long chin

Candidates and cases for mandibular surgery

1. The tip of the chin protrudes and the mouth looks toothless, causing malocclusion.
2. Only the tip of the lower jaw protrudes while the patient does not experience malocclusion.
3. The lower jaw is wide and long.
4. Facial Asymmetry & Mandibular Prognathism

This is the reason why you should fix your mandible problem as soon as possible!

Most of the time, people have malocclusion along with temporomandibular disorder, causing difficulty of food intake and chronic digestive disorder. Moreover, a lot of them have bad teeth condition. Lower jaw is overly developed, which causes a long or protruded chin that doesn’t look good.

“id’s medical team selects the safest and most effective surgical procedure after accurately diagnosing the exact condition of the patient’s features”

How to choose the right hospital for your mandibular surgery

Point 1

Do they know the jaw joints well? Are they good at performing orthognathic surgery?

Point 2

Is there the inter-professional collaboration among the plastic surgery, oral surgery and orthodontics departments?

Point 3

Do they carry out roughly 50 preoperative examinations before surgery?

Point 4

Do they show you consideration and respect from your consultation to your recovery?

Mandibular surgery, Tell me more about it!

Q:I don’t know if I need to have mandibular surgery or orthognathic surgery?

A:If there is no problem with the location or function of the upper jaw, we recommend a mandibular surgery rather than an orthognathic surgery.

Q:Isn’t the aesthetic effect weaker with a mandibular surgery?

A:The aesthetic effect of orthognathic surgery is more noticeable, but, depending on the circumstances, there can be a satisfactory result with a mandibular surgery as well.

So the most important thing is if the medical team can diagnose the exact condition and problem of the patient. Then decide to conduct an operation or not.

If you want a more perfect result, we can also recommend some additional operations which will refine your jawline while having mandibular surgery. I would recommend having a consultation session with our doctor to help you decide what operation would be best for your needs.

Benefits of Mandibular Surgery

  1. No need to get both upper and lower jaws
  2. Same effect as orthognathic surgery
  3. Hospitalization period is shorter than double jaw surgery
  4. Recovery time and surgical risk are shorter than double jaw surgery

Surgery Information

Surgery time

1 hour 30 minutes


General anesthesia


1 day

Removal of stitches

About 2 weeks after

Recovery time

2~3 weeks

※ Alert: Common side effects such as bleeding and infection may occur post surgery and varies according to each patient so careful attention is needed.

Before and After Photos