• Genital Cosmetic Surgery Center
  • Vaginal Tightening

Vaginal Tightening

Vaginal Tightening Surgery


  • #PermanentVaginalTightening

  • #EffectiveSolutionforAnorgasmia

  • #EssentialPostpartumSurgery

Enhance your feminine allure
For your personal satisfaction

Women’s Genital Cosmetic Surgery at id Hospital

Over time, the vagina loses elasticity and firmness,
leading to a reduction in tension, with
inner folds and ridges becoming smoother.

These changes can cause decreased friction during intercourse,
leading to lower sensitivity, and are often more pronounced after childbirth.
Vaginal tightening surgery offers a fundamental solution to these issues.

  • #SurgeryEveryoneNeeds
  • #PermanentVaginalTightening
  • Personalized Techniques
    by Specialists

  • Before - During - After Surgery
    Total Care System


  • People from their 20s to their 50s visit us, each with their own unique needs and desired surgeries. At id Hospital, we offer personalized recommendations personalized to each age group and individual.

  • With over 20 years of experience as the No. 1 beauty hospital, id Hospital provides high-quality services centered around women, offering private and comfortable care before, during, and after surgery.

Am I Experiencing Vaginal Laxity?
Vaginal Tightening Surgery Candidates

Narrow the Circumference and Boost Elasticity,
Permanent Vaginal Tightening Surgery

Renowned for its effectiveness, vaginal tightening surgery
enhances a woman's erogenous zones, providing men with
a more pleasurable experience through the tightness of the vaginal mucosa.

ID Hospital rejuvenates the vagina’s tightness and elasticity by strengthening pelvic floor muscles,
effectively narrowing the relaxed vaginal area while forming micro projections and folds
to enhance sexual pleasure and prevent health issues.

  • Before Surgery

    - Recurring inflammatory diseases
    - Fluid Leakage

    Decreased sexual sensitivity, occurrence of diseases

  • After Surgery

    - Enhanced vaginal tightness
    - Enhanced peak contraction force - Improved maximum contraction maintenance

    Heightened sexual sensation

Customized Design Based on
Vaginal Length and Shape

Vaginal length and shape vary by individual, and accurate diagnosis
is essential for functionally superior vaginal tightening surgery.

Additionally, we consider factors like childbirth experience, age,
and anticipated results when designing the vaginal walls, ensuring
precise incisions and dissection techniques as required.

  • Focused on narrowing the vaginal opening while enhancing the pelvic muscles and ligaments within

    Powerful, long-lasting vaginal tightening results.

  • Formation of micro projections and folds on the vaginal walls

    Elevating orgasms for both myself and my partner

  • Minimal incision

    Low pain, Quick recovery

Balancing Function and Aesthetics

id Hospital Women’s Plastic Surgery Center offers all modern aesthetic procedures

For Genital Cosmetic Surgery,
Trust the Gynecologists at id Hospital.

At id Hospital, our gynecologist specialists design genital cosmetic surgeries,
distinctly differentiating us from other clinics.

( Total Care System )

Total Care System Before and After Surgery


  • Enhance Internal Skin Tissue Health
  • Salmon Injections, Autologous Exosomes, etc.

During Surgery

  • Reduce Nerve and Vessel Damage
  • Scar-Free Suturing (Micro-suture Technique)


  • Aftercare Supporting Healing and Regeneration
  • Healite, etc.

Permanent Vaginal Tightening