About a year ago, Emily from UK had rhinoplasty at ID Hospital. We caught up with her a year post-surgery to see the surgery results and the positive effects that the surgery has had in her life.
ID Hospital: Please introduce yourself!
Emily: Hi, my name is Emily! I’m a nanny from England, currently living in Seoul. When I’m not at work I can usually be found haunting my favorite coffee shops, checking out the latest fashion trends or just aimlessly wandering around the city.
ID Hospital: How did you get to know ID Hospital?
Emily: I started researching plastic surgery hospitals in Seoul after hearing about how advanced the techniques and practices are here. Through all my research, ID Hospitals name just kept popping up again and again, as well as appearing on YouTube searches with quite a lot of good feedback attached. I started watching patient stories and keeping tabs on the hospital’s Instagram and Facebook to stay updated.
ID Hospital: Why did you decide to have rhinoplasty at ID Hospital?
Emily: Since I can remember, I’ve always disliked my appearance, but was horrified by the nose surgery I was seeing in the media and through the clinics I was researching. The results were just too false and obvious that the patient had had surgery. When I saw ID’s pictures and saw how natural the nose looked, I wanted to speak to a Doctor straight away. Then, when I spoke to Dr. Kim and he immediately spoke about making my nose suit my face, I knew I was in good hands and so I had my Rhinoplasty at ID Hospital.

ID Hospital: What do you feel this surgery has added to your life? How do you like your results post-surgery?
Emily: My face looked different, more balanced almost as soon as the cast came off. I could not stop staring at it. I am far more comfortable having pictures taken from a side view or 45 degrees and actually went and got signed by a modeling agency ( something I wouldn’t have done before surgery). I am glad I had my Rhinoplasty at ID Hospital.
ID Hospital: What was your family’s opinion about you going for this surgery?
Emily: My parents have always told us (me and my siblings) that we are beautiful and don’t need to change ourselves, so were, of course, not particularly happy about me going for it but supported me none the less. They were concerned about me going for surgery and have refused to look at the pictures of me all bruised and wearing a cast after surgery because it upset them to see me in pain. But they have been very kind about the results. My siblings were very supportive and came out to be with me (and deal with my dramatic whining) during and after surgery. They think I look much better now and can see the change in my confidence.
ID Hospital: How important do you think the nose shape is for the image of a woman? Do you think it has changed the balance of your face?
Emily: oh yes, it has definitely changed the balance of my face. My nose was crooked and made my whole face seem really uneven before my surgery. Personally, I think the biggest effect of my nose surgery was the change in my confidence though. Because I worried about it, I made it more obvious to other people as a fault of mine, instead as part of the way I was.
ID Hospital: Has this surgery made you more confident than you already were?
Emily: I have always been a loud, chatty person and so unfortunately yes I definitely feel more confident and am therefore more loud and chatty! My poor roommate has to deal with that, and for her, I am sorry…but yes in all seriousness, I feel far more confident in my appearance.
ID Hospital: Were you nervous about having surgery?
Emily: I had had surgeries before, so the idea of going to sleep and having invasive work done to my body wasn’t too scary for me, but the idea that my whole appearance would change when I woke up was strangely unnerving for me and I did get quite anxious before the surgery. If I hadn’t trusted my doctor so much, I probably wouldn’t have been able to go through with the surgery.
ID Hospital: Any messages for women out there who want to have a Rhinoplasty at ID Hospital?
Emily: Do your research and make sure you trust your doctor. It’s not about becoming a new person, it’s about being the version of you that YOU like and can be confident with.
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